Elliot Mintzer
67 years old

Elliot Mintzer was in his early 50s when he retired from his job as a technical writer in a manufacturing company. The decision was not taken lightly; he loved his job, but his partner was suffering from cancer and needed full time care.

Elliot spent the next 10 years caring for his partner, who eventually succumbed to the disease. They had been together for 28 years. “It was a difficult time, but he was so caring and giving to others,” said Nick Zaccarelli, who worked in the building where Elliot lived.

A few years later, Elliot began a relationship with Nick, which sparked a renewed love of theatre and travel. They took cruises around Italy and explored Alaska and the Baltic Sea together, while fitting in 26 Broadway shows between January and June last year. “He was just enjoying retirement and enjoying life,” said Nick.

But their life together was not without challenge. Elliot had recently been fighting his own battle with cancer and had to have his bladder removed earlier this year. He was just getting his feet back on the ground, according to Nick, and learning to live life all over again.

This collision happened on May 21, 2014 near 64th Road and 108th Street in Queens. See details in the Mean Streets Tracker.

Mean Streets 2014: Who We Lost, How They Lived

Throughout 2014, WNYC tracked the 265 men, women and children killed in traffic crashes in New York City. In addition to reporting the circumstances of their deaths, we looked at who they were in life: mothers, fathers, grandparents, students, recent immigrants and native New Yorkers. To read some of their stories, click on a photograph.