Tracking Tickets for Dangerous Driving, by Precinct

NYPD officers issued more tickets citywide for dangerous moving violations in the first three months of this year, compared to the same period in 2013. This map shows which precincts issued more -- and fewer -- tickets in six major categories: using a cell phone while driving, disobeying a sign, failing to stop at a signal, making an improper turn, failing to give right of way to a pedestrian, and speeding. Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan calls on the NYPD to increase enforcement of the most serious moving violations.

'13-'14 Change:
  • IMG-10% or more
  • IMG-1-9%
  • IMG+0-14%
  • IMG+15-29%
  • IMG+30-49%
  • IMG+50% or more
'13-'14 Change: -10%IMG50%+
  • IMG-10% or more
  • IMG-1-9%
  • IMG+0-14%
  • IMG+15-29%
  • IMG+30-49%
  • IMG+50% or more
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New York Police Department Traffic Data. Map updated April 18, 2014.

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Jenny Ye, Kat Aaron/ WNYC Data News Team. Follow us @datanews, email us here.

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Tracking Tickets for Dangerous Driving, by Precinct

NYPD officers issued more tickets citywide for dangerous moving violations in the first three months of this year, compared to the same period in 2013. This map shows which precincts issued more -- and fewer -- tickets in six major categories: using a cell phone while driving, disobeying a sign, failing to stop at a signal, making an improper turn, failing to give right of way to a pedestrian, and speeding. Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan calls on the NYPD to increase enforcement of the most serious moving violations.